Monday, September 20, 2010


What do you do when you think that one of your best friends is about to make a decision that could change the rest of their life, and possibly not for the better. A decision based on another person, on love, or maybe just lust. I just don't understand how you could give up a life you've carved out for yourself in this little town. I know here isn't permanent, but you have friends here. And people that think of you as family. I don't understand how this boy could want you to give all that up for him. In part I think that's selfish of him, and the other part of me wonders why he would do that for you when he knows how situations like that turn out because he has been through them himself.

What do I do? Can I do anything really?

1 comment:

  1. Uhhhh, I'M STAYING NOW. :D

